Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Be Positive, Be Thankful

By CSL (Jan 6 2014)

Lazy people mostly are always complaining, they are not working yet they complain.  However, successful people never complain about what they are doing because they love what they do.
But now a day’s people always complain about their life, work, family so on and so on, instead of being grateful they become ungrateful they always think about other people’s business rather than focusing on their own and focusing how to glorify God.
When we do things we think of God as our giver of reward and when we work we think always of glorifying God in everything that we do.

The secret of life is always about thinking what’s the best way to glorify God, and be thankful about God’s blessing every second
Do you see your life as a gift from God?
Do you see it precious the way God sees it?
Are you doing your part to nurture it?
Positive attitude and positive values make right with God.

Positive view despite of…
Problems and worries can make a person weak this is what they call the storm of life. Now and then we experience rain and it’s not a simple droplet that we can wipe it out, but it comes with dark clouds showering heavily and the water will rise up. But don’t be alarmed all people experience these things, it’s never new 1 Corinthians 10:13, The trials in your life are no different from others so be still, God is faithful. He will not allow temptation to be more than you can stand. When you are tempted, he will show you a way out so that you can endure.

Start your day with a prayer
Start your day with a prayer. It is important for us to start a day with a prayer it’s like taking  breakfast early in the morning, Jesus starts his day with a prayer Mark 1:35 he knows this is important, I always say this in the morning, Lord good morning, thank you for this new life, thank you for the protection last night I ask that you give me wisdom Lord to glorify you in everything that I will do today, guard me that I may not sin and if I do sin please forgive me, Lord I love you because you first love me.

Salt and light

Mark 5 13-16 the bible says that we are the salt of the earth, we help bring flavor into this world try to imagine cooking without putting salt I’m sure people will mock your cooking. As Christian we need to be the kind of people that God had already been flavored meaning we help to lead people in a hopeful attitude to lead them to Christ. In the same way we are the light, God uses us to be a beacon for those who are in darkness, remember once we were in the dark Ephesians 5:8 and other Christian use by God to carry us out from darkness and bring us to the light (those people have a good and a positive view of life) so now we understand the truth we then do the same, we are part of God’s plan from the beginning God has a plan for us.

 "Trust his heart"  When you don’t understand when you can see His plan when you can trace His hand TRUST HIS HEART. God's love cannot be measured. 
Trust God be positive be thankful and God will do the rest.